Considering your Regional Climate when Choosing Equipment for Cannabis Cultivation
Here at Surna, we’ve been designing facilities for indoor cultivation for close to 10 years and we’ve been excited to watch as new states begin coming online and more people reach out to us for guidance in designing their cultivation facility. Over and over, we get asked about what kind of equipment grower’s need and our response is always “it depends”. This can be confusing sometimes but designing the ideal environment means thinking about your grow holistically and considering everything from your growing style to temperature and humidity parameters to the types of lights being used to power capacity and more. But, one of the most important indicators of what type of equipment to choose is the physical location of your cultivation facility. With so many diverse climates in the United States, cooling and dehumidification needs vary vastly from region to region. So, we’ve gone ahead and highlighted some of the major regions of the country and detailed options to consider when choosing a cooling system.