Project in Oklahoma providing climate control equipment and its full suite of controls products for 12,000 square feet of cultivation space. Surna is also providing engineering design and climate control equipment for this multi-state operator.
Project in British Columbia, Canada. Surna is providing engineering design, climate control equipment and its full suite of controls products for 40,000 square feet of cultivation space. This is a multi-tiered facility utilizing LED lighting.
Project is for engineering design services, climate control equipment (HVAC) and a SentryIQ™ plant controller in a multi-facility operator’s California facility of 25,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Massachusetts worked with Surna for their mechanical engineering and equipment for 8,900 square feet of cultivation space. They utilized 4-pipe fan coils, air cooled chillers with heat recovery and waterside economization, and back up dehumidifiers.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Jackson, MI worked with Surna for their mechanical engineering and equipment which included 2-pipe fan coils and dehumidifiers.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Saskatoon worked with Surna for their mechanical engineering design and equipment for both phases of their 28,750 square foot cultivation facility. Phase 1 was 18,750 square feet and phase 2 was 10,000 square feet. The design included 2-pipe fan coils, air-cooled chillers and waterside economizers.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Hawaii worked with Surna for their mechanical engineering design and equipment for a new cultivation facility. The build utilized 2-pipe fan coils, chillers and dehumidifiers.
Commercial indoor farming facility in western Newfoundland worked with Surna for their mechanical design and equipment which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for their 10,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico worked with Surna for their initial start-up and their later expansion for their mechanical design and equipment which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for their 10,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in northeastern Ohio worked with Surna for their mechanical design and equipment which utilized 2-pipe fan coils, outdoor commercial chillers and dry coolers for their 36,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in northeastern Michigan worked with Surna for their mechanical design and equipment which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for their 2,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Project is for monitoring and controls of over 10,000 square feet of cultivation space located in Alberta, Canada. Surna is providing climate control equipment, the front-end user interface, its SentryIQ™ Facility Supervisor and its SentryIQ™ Room Controller to control temperature, humidity and CO2 evacuation, as well as provide Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) monitoring and data collection. Surna will also conduct ongoing monitoring and supervision support in which they log into the customer’s system and review the performance, as well as adjust programming and algorithms as needed.
Commercial indoor farming facility in northern California worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and commercial outdoor chillers for their 5,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility located just outside of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for its 2,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Wisconsin worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for its 7,500 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility located approximately 40 miles north of Anchorage worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers for its 10,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Project will be completed in two phases. Each phase is approximately 50,000 square feet of cultivation space located in Alberta, Canada. Surna is providing engineering design, 4-pipe air handlers and its SentryIQâ„¢ mechanical plant controller that will control the 1,200 ton chiller plant, boiler, and energy monitoring for kWh consumption of the chiller plant.
Commercial grower in Panama Pacifico worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and Surna chillers. Phase I is for 5,000 square feet of cultivation space, and Phase II will be with 4-pipe fan coils with integrated dehumidification and heat recovery chillers in approximately 20,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in Ontario, Canada worked with Surna for their mechanical design in two buildings, constructed approximately 2 years apart. The first facility included 4,300 square feet of cultivation and utilized a 2-pipe fan coil system and air- cooled chillers with a standalone waterside economizer. Phase 2 utilized 4-pipe custom air handlers, air cooled outdoor chillers with heat recovery, and a standalone waterside economizer for their 20,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in San Diego, California worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils and commercial outdoor chillers for their 9,000 square feet of cultivation space.
Commercial indoor farming facility in British Columbia worked with Surna for their mechanical design which utilized 2-pipe fan coils, a total of 520 tons of air-cooled chillers with integrated waterside economization, and desiccant dry rooms for their 30,000 square feet of cultivation space. The project was constructed in two phases